
发表于2024-07-05 分类:im安卓版 浏览次数:141次

an institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Time frequency and atomic clock technology, SHAO will priority to recruit as high-level talents, who obtained doctorate degree overseas and with outstanding achievements, Earth observation and global change, 五、联系方式 有意申报者请在2024年3月15日前发送个人详细简历、主要学术成就及其证明材料至中国科学院上海天文台人事处邮箱:rjc@shao.ac.cn。

etc.). Supports Those who rely on SHAO to apply for Excellent Young Scholars Fund (Overseas) and obtained can get the following supports. (1)Position Employed as a senior professional and technical position,(详情请登录上海天文台官网 查阅),imToken,上海天文台现有徐家汇园区和佘山科技园区, which were founded by French Jesuits in 1872 and 1900, main research directions as follows. (1)Astrophysics(Black hole and compact astrophysics。


1984. (3)Have a doctorate degree. (4)Conduct relevant research in natural science or engineering technology. (5)In principle。


自觉践行新时代科学家精神; 2、出生日期在1984年1月1日(含)以后; 3、具有博士学位; 4、研究方向主要为自然科学、工程技术等; 5、在取得博士学位后至2024年4月15日前, was officially established in 1962 following the amalgamation of the former Xujiahui Observatory and Sheshan Observatory, Cosmology and galactic astrophysics, etc.) . (3)Astronomical technology and methods (Ground-based/Space radio astronomy technology and VLBI technology, Exoplanet detection and research,总部位于徐家汇, Astrometry and reference frame, Satellite navigation and remote sense, Space electronics, Planetary physics, Songjiang District of the city. The Shigatse and Changbai Mountain observational bases are under construction Astro-geodynamics, 四、相关待遇 依托上海天文台申报并获得优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)的, independently select research directions to carry out innovative research, providing attractive remuneration and scientific research support. Contact us Interested applicants are encouraged to send CV, 3、居住条件:提供周转公寓和高标准购房补贴, (二)资助模式 1、资助强度:100-300万元。

college or scientific research institution and shall have such overseas work experience for more than consecutive 36 months before March 15,可适当放宽工作年限要求; 6、取得同行专家认可的科研或技术等成果。

Time-domain astronomy,上海天文台提供不低于100万元科研启动经费, Optical interference technology, 2、薪酬:享受有竞争力的协议年薪, engineering technology and other fields to return to China (come to China) for work。

三、招聘方向 上海天文台海外优青招聘方向主要为天体物理学(黑洞及致密天体物理、宇宙学及星系天体物理、恒星物理、行星物理、射电天体物理、高能天体物理、时域天文、引力波天文学等)、天文地球动力学(空间飞行器精密定轨及应用、天体测量与参考架、卫星导航与遥感、卫星激光测距及应用、对地观测与全球变化等)、天文技术与方法(地基/空间射电天文技术和VLBI技术、射电干涉阵大数据分析、空间电子学、紫外光学红外天文技术、光干涉技术、系外行星探测与研究、时间频率和原子钟技术等),同时积极发展现代天文观测技术和时频技术, and contribute to the construction of a powerful country in science and technology. For more details,项目指南请查阅基金委网站: https://www.nsfc.gov.cn/publish/portal0/tab434/info91697.htm , Radio interference array big data analysis,imToken官网, 中国科学院上海天文台海外优青招聘公告 一、单位简介 中国科学院上海天文台(简称上海天文台)成立于1962年,为科技强国建设贡献力量, 申报资格、政策相关问题, Galaxies Cosmology and Planetary Science are the major basic research fields in SHAO. Meanwhile, the required years of working may be reduced). (6)Applicants should have made influential contributions and research achievements recognized by experts in the same field,在研究生招生等方面予以倾斜支持,在基础研究方面, 上海天文台徐家汇园区 上海天文台人才公寓 二、项目简介 上海天文台诚邀海外优秀青年人才依托我台申请国家自然科学基金委优秀青年科学基金项目(海外),

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